Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Holy Trinity of Preambilicious Posts: Part I

Dearest Throng,

I know you can't wait for me to dive into this project and get all jiggy with it already. Be patient. I'm a slow reader. Also, I've recently been diagnosed with a severe case of (to use the technical medical terminology) Dummynogginitis. You can see how this might impede things. So slow your roll. Don't crowd me now.

Last night I spoke to a small throng of theists in a sort of facilitated discussion type thing, wherein I presented some of the questions I've often posed to defenders of the faith. Given the recent turn of events, some of these questions don't hold quite as much sway for me now as they once did. Be advised: most of these pertain to Christianity, and sometimes specific forms of Christianity. If you are not a Christian, feel free to modify accordingly. Also, to avoid being labelled a sexist, I revert annoyingly back and forth, referring to God as both he and she. Perhaps even sometimes it.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Don't Call It A Meat Heist

Hello to the many millions of people reading this. Welcome to my very first blog, which is sure to change the world in the very near future. Forthwith and all.

I am an atheist who has recently been forced to re-think some things and question my atheism. I've been an atheist for about 12 years, and while I've certainly lost debates before, I recently got my ass handed to me in a most decisive manner. (Thanks, Terry!) It made me realize that I didn't have as good a grasp on things as I thought I did. Thuslywise, this blog is my attempt to re-assess some things in a genuinely open manner. I honestly feel the way I did many years ago when I first began questioning my Christian faith. (Perhaps at some point I'll post my deconversion story.) I am now engaged in a process of investigation, and I sincerely don't know where I'll end up at the "end" of this process. Actually, there will probably never be an "end" to this; I'll probably continue to investigate the God question for the rest of my life. At any rate, this is an incredibly exhilarating, humbling, and scaryfying place to be.