Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Funeral Procession for my Procrastination: Part I

Dearly Beloved Throng,

We are gathered here today to witness the demise of my procrastination. So sit back, cozy up to the one you fondle copiously, and hear the most epic analysis of Kreeft and Tacelli ever committed to electronically blogified ink.

The Authors: Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli

The Book: Handbook of Christian Apologetics

The Chapter: 1 - The Nature, Power, and Limitations of Apologetics

Years ago, I listened to Peter Kreeft's Portable Professor lecture series, Questions of Faith, discussing the philosophy of religion. I don't remember any specifics from those discs, except that Kreeft seemed to present the arguments for and against the existence of God in a fairly even-handed fashion. I quite liked him though I disagreed with...well, whatever he said.

Crash-cut to me reading his co-authored book. Some aspects of the first chapter equally demonstrate the even-handedness I beheld in Kreeft's lecture series. Other, not so much.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Guiding Principles and a Threat of Violence

Hear me O Throng, for the time is nigh.

Whilst we breathlessly anticipate the arrival of the first post on the first book of this project, let's engage in some masturbatorial filler necessary and substantial prefatory remarks. Here I shall provide the following: a rough sketch of how I plan to proceed vis a vis blogging my way through the books on the Ultimate Truth-Seeker Challenge, a few of the intellectual guiding principles I'll be using throughout this process, and finally, a threat of violence which must be heeded at all cost.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

In Which I Pretend To Be Fair And Balanced

Oh, Throngilicious Ones,

As you all know, I am thoroughly fair and balanced. Much like Fox News. Yet somehow, despite this obvious fact about my fairy-balanciness, some have had the galldacity to accuse me of being a blatant partisan by only challenging theists with my last series of questions. I have quite lit'rally been flooded with e-mails and comments about this. I'm told by my people in Silly Cone Valley that the internets ground to a halt for several days last week, due to the weight of people commenting on what has been dubbed Thronger-gate.

Can you believe this scheisse? Of all the dirty, underhanded, no good, rotten pieces of...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Holy Trinity of Preambilicious Posts: Part III

Throng Tha Throng Throng Throng!

Anybody? Sisqo? No? Okay. Whatevs. I put you all on blast.

So like last time and the time before that, we totally discussed some awesome questions regarding like God and stuff. And like some of these questions are just so completely devastating, and others are just kinda like meh? But still. You know? It's like when something is entirely whack and...but ill at the same time. That's literally what these questions are like. Obvi, these aren't the only questions I have, but these are excellent for conversating. So like in the comments you guys can be all like blah blah blah and just totally throw down and never get girlfriends. Shut. Up!

And now, the final installment of this Holy Trinity of Preambilicious Posts!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Holy Trinity of Preambilicious Posts: Part II

Hello again Throng,

Previously, on Are You There, God? It's Me, Atheist...

In a pulse-pounding thrill ride, full of dramatic twists and outrageous turns, we discussed the first of three sets of questions which have left many a faith shattered in their wake. While these once-mighty questions may or may not hold quite as much sway for me now, I still think they can provide a fertility clinic for fruitful discussion-babies. And now, for your consideration, a few more of the questions.